A Collage of 80's Movie's Actors

20 Classic ’80s Movies That Take Us Back

So you’re in the mood to relive the neon-colored, big-haired glory days of the 1980s. We don’t blame you – the ’80s produced some totally awesome movies that still hold up today. From teen rom-com to sci-fi adventures, the era was chock-full of classics any ’80s kid will remember. In this post, we’re revisiting 20 classic ’80s movies that will whisk you back to a time of over-the-top fashion, catchy synth-pop soundtracks, and movies that didn’t require a huge budget to become major pop culture moments. Get ready to revisit the era that gave us everything from E.T. to The Breakfast Club. These 20 classics are sure to spark feelings of nostalgia and have you humming ’80s tunes in no time. So grab some popcorn, crank up the volume, and take a trip with us down memory lane. The 1980s await!

Revisit These 5 Classic ’80s Teen Movies

If you grew up in the ’80s, chances are you spent many a Friday night watching teen movies on VHS with friends. Some of the classics you probably remember are Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. These films captured the styles, sounds, and attitudes of the era and spoke to the challenges of navigating high school.

Pretty in Pink

This cult classic starring Molly Ringwald is a sweet tale of love and friendship. It has some of the most iconic ’80s fashion and a killer soundtrack to match. As Andie struggles between following her heart and peer pressure, you’ll find yourself rooting for her and Duckie the whole way through.

The Breakfast Club

This comedy-drama brings together a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal for Saturday detention. As the day unfolds, stereotypes are broken down and unlikely friendships are formed. Written and directed by the king of ’80s teen movies, John Hughes, The Breakfast Club is a funny, poignant, and endlessly quotable film that still resonates today.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

This lighthearted film starring Matthew Broderick will make you want to play hooky for a day of adventure in the city. Ferris’ elaborate schemes to skip school and show his friend Cameron a good time always inspire laughter and nostalgia for the carefree days of youth. Full of humor and hijinks, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is a comedic classic you can watch again and again.

The Top 5 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Flicks That Defined the ’80s

The ’80s were the golden age of sci-fi and fantasy films that sparked our imaginations. Here are five classics that still thrill us today:

Back to the Future (1985)

Marty McFly accidentally travels back in time in Doc Brown’s DeLorean time machine. This Steven Spielberg-produced film starring Michael J. Fox is a perfect blend of sci-fi, action, and humor that made us all wish we had our own time-traveling ride.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

The heartwarming story of a lonely boy who befriends an extraterrestrial, helps him return home while attempting to keep it hidden from others. Directed by Spielberg, this family-friendly sci-fi film still tugs at our heartstrings.

The Terminator (1984)

Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor. This James Cameron-directed action-packed thriller really put the fear of evil A.I. into us.

Aliens (1986)

Sigourney Weaver reprises her role as Ripley, who returns to the planet LV-426 to battle more terrifying Xenomorph creatures. Cameron’s sequel to the 1979 sci-fi horror film Alien is a pulse-pounding ride with cutting-edge special effects.

Blade Runner (1982)

Harrison Ford stars as a police officer who tracks down rogue replicants in a dystopian future in Los Angeles. Directed by Ridley Scott, this neo-noir sci-fi film is a visually stunning cult classic that explores artificial intelligence and what it means to be human.

Take a Musical Trip Back to the ’80s With These 5 Nostalgic Tunes

The ‘80s were a golden age for music. Pop songs of the era were upbeat, fun, and perfect for singing along. Here are 5 nostalgic ‘80s tunes that will take you back in time.

“Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor

The theme song for Rocky III, “Eye of the Tiger” is the ultimate ‘80s power anthem. With its synthesizer hooks and catchy chorus, this song will inspire you to train hard and go the distance.

“Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses

One of the most recognizable love songs of the ‘80s, “Sweet Child O’ Mine” features a legendary guitar riff and Axl Rose’s raspy vocals. This hard rock ballad tugs at the heartstrings and takes us back to big hair and leather jackets.

“Livin’ On A Prayer” by Bon Jovi

No ‘80s playlist is complete without “Livin’ On A Prayer.” Jon Bon Jovi’s signature song is an arena rock anthem all about love and perseverance against the odds. Once this tune comes on, you have no choice but to sing along at the top of your lungs.

“Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson

The King of Pop ruled the ‘80s, and “Billie Jean” is one of his most unforgettable hits. With its distinctive bassline and Michael Jackson’s signature dance moves, “Billie Jean” defined the era and changed music videos forever.

“Careless Whisper” by Wham!

This pop ballad by George Michael is all about loss, heartbreak, and regret. With a saxophone melody that tugs at the heart, “Careless Whisper” is a nostalgic ‘80s tune that has endured for good reason. The era may be gone, but this song lives on.

What are your favorite classic ‘80s songs? Share in the comments below and relive the glory days of ‘80s music. The synthesizers may be outdated but the nostalgia is forever.


So there you have it, 20 classic ’80s movies to transport you back in time. As you queue one of these up for your next movie night, get ready to relive the era of big hair, neon colors, and synth-pop soundtracks. The ’80s produced so many iconic films that hold up today, with memorable music, quotable lines, and over-the-top fashion styles that are fun to revisit. Though the special effects may seem dated and the cultural references are firmly stuck in the Reagan era, the pure entertainment and nostalgia factors make these movies true classics. Go ahead, dig out that VCR, or fire up your streaming service of choice. It’s time for a totally tubular trip back to the ’80s. Party on, dudes!

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