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Make Your Garden Dreams Come True With Homebase This Season

You know that feeling when spring arrives and your green fingers start itching to get out in the garden? Well, it’s time to grab those gardening gloves and make this your most bountiful growing season yet! Homebase has everything you need to transform your outdoor space into a horticultural haven. Get ready to roll up your sleeves, flex your creative muscles, and watch your garden dreams blossom into a reality. With handy how-to’s, pro tips from the experts and our unbeatable range of products, you’ll be growing your fruit and veg, crafting gorgeous garden features, and sitting back with a cool drink admiring your handiwork in no time. This is your year to grow, create, and cultivate a garden that’s distinctly you… let’s get started!

Transform Your Garden This Spring With Homebase

Brighten up your outdoor space

Now that spring is here, it’s time to refresh your garden! Head to Homebase and stock up on colourful bedding plants, blooming flowers and foliage to instantly brighten up your outdoor space. With petunias, geraniums, calibrachoas and more, Homebase has all the cheerful blooms you need to make your garden pop this season.

Get inspired with garden decor

Looking to give your garden a stylish makeover? Homebase offers a wide range of garden decor to suit any style. From decorative plant pots and planters to garden statues, solar lights, trellises and garden furniture, you’ll find everything you need to create an inspiring outdoor oasis. Let your creativity run wild and make the most of the warmer weather with some fun and funky garden decor from Homebase.

Grow your veggies

If you’re green-fingered, Homebase has you covered with a variety of veggies, herbs, seeds and gardening essentials so you can grow your produce this spring and summer. From tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce to thyme, chives, basil and more, Homebase will help you start or expand, your very own edible garden. What could be more rewarding than harvesting homegrown veggies and fresh herbs?

With the change in seasons comes new opportunities, so make the most of the spring sunshine and longer days by giving your garden a well-deserved makeover. Whether you’re looking to add colour with bedding plants and blooms, create an inspiring space with garden decor or start growing your veggies, Homebase has all the products and inspiration to help make your garden dreams come true this spring. Happy gardening!
15 Colorful Flowers That Will Brighten Up Your Garden

Summer Gardening Projects Using Homebase Products

Create a Pollinator-Friendly Space

Transform your garden into a buzzing paradise this summer using Homebase’s wide range of pollinator-friendly plants and gardening essentials. Plant colourful flowers like lavender, sunflowers, and geraniums which are irresistible to bees and butterflies. You’ll be amazed at the variety of winged visitors attracted to your garden in no time!

Build a Pond or Water Feature

A pond or water feature is the perfect summer project to bring serenity to your garden. Homebase has everything you need from pond liners, pumps, and filters to a gorgeous selection of water plants. Add some koi or goldfish and enjoy watching these graceful creatures glide through the water. The melodic trickling of the fountain will relax your senses after a long day.

Try Vertical Gardening

If space in your garden is limited, why not go vertical? Vertical gardening, using wall planters or freestanding frames, is a great way to maximize your space. You can grow delicious strawberries, tasty tomatoes or fragrant herbs. Homebase’s vertical gardening range has a style to suit every garden. Your vertical edible garden will become the highlight of your summer!

With Homebase’s wide range of quality and affordable products, you’ll have everything you need to make your dream garden and summer projects come to life. Get out in the sun, get your hands dirty, and enjoy transforming your outdoor space into a personal paradise using Homebase products. Your perfect garden is waiting… let’s get started!
What Is a Vertical Garden? -

Autumn Garden Preparation With Help From Homebase

Autumn is here, gardeners, and that means it’s time to prepare your outdoor space for the colder months ahead! There’s still so much you can do to ensure your garden is ready to blossom again in the spring.

Get your tools in order

First things first, gather up your gardening tools and give them a good clean. Wipe down your trowels, shears and any other equipment, then sharpen the blades. Oil and wooden handles to prevent cracking. Once everything is spic and span, store tools in a dry spot. You’ll be grateful for your past self come spring!

Add nutrients to the soil

Replenish your soil by adding compost or manure. Homebase offers high-quality compost and manure to help enrich your soil with organic matter. Work it into the top few inches of soil so your plants will have nutrients to sustain them through winter and fuel new growth in spring.

Plant spring bulbs

While the soil is still workable, get some spring bulbs in the ground! Daffodils, tulips, crocuses and hyacinths will reward you with a burst of colour in a few months. Browse Homebase’s wide selection and get planting. For the best results, choose a spot with well-drained, fertile soil and plant the bulbs at a depth of two to three times their height.

Protect tender plants

Make sure any tender plants, shrubs or new seedlings are protected from harsh weather. Cover them with horticultural fleece, a cloche or a cold frame. Homebase stocks a variety of protective covers to help shield your greenery from wind, rain, snow and frost.

With some autumn TLC and the help of Homebase’s gardening essentials, you’ll ensure your outdoor space remains in tip-top shape through winter. Come spring, you’ll be primed and ready to make your garden dreams a reality once more! Happy autumn gardening!


You’re so close to making those garden dreams a reality! With spring in full bloom, it’s the perfect time to start planning and planting. Don’t let your lack of experience hold you back – we all have to start somewhere. Grab those gardening gloves and get ready to dig in. The experts at Homebase are here to guide you every step of the way. Their top-quality products and helpful advice will have your garden thriving in no time. Just imagine yourself relaxing with a cold drink this summer, admiring your beautiful flowers and vegetables. You’ve got this! Let your creativity run wild and make this your best garden year yet. The journey starts today. Head to Homebase and start growing something great!


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